
GB/T 15834-2011 Part 5: Positioning of Punctuation Mark

GB/T 15834—2011出版物上数字的用法(General Rules for Writing numberals in Public Text

本文部分翻译了国标GB/T 15834-2011中关于标点符号位置的内容。该国标的中文全文,可以在互联网上找到。

5. Positioning of Punctuation Mark.

5.1 Positioning of Punctuation Mark in Horizontal Writing Mode

5.1.1 Full stops(U+3002), commas(U+FF0C), ideographic commas(U+3001), semicolons(U+FF1B), colons(U+FF1A) should all be after the corresponding text, and carry one em space. They should be placed in the lower left corner, and could not be the start of a line.

5.1.2 Question marks(U+FF1F), exclamation marks(U+FF01) should all be after the corresponding text, and carry one em space. They should be placed in the left side, and could not be the start of a line. When two question marks(or exclamation marks) are used together, they should only carry one em space; when three question marks(or exclamation marks) are used together, they should only carry two em space; when one question mark and exclamation mark are used together, they should only carry one em space.

5.1.3 Left quotation marks(U+2018, U+201C), left brackets(U+FF08, U+3014, U+3010), left double angle brackets(U+300A), and left angle brackets(U+3008) should be placed on the left side of the relative characters and could not be the end of a line, while right quotation marks(U+2019, U+201D), right brackets(U+FF09, U+3015, U+3011), right double angle brackets(U+300B), and left angle brackets(U+3009) should be placed on the right side of the relative characters and could not be the start of a line. Each of these marks should carry one em space.

5.1.4 A double dash(U+2014) is between the two corresponding words, and carry two em space. It should be aligned to the vertical center of the corresponding base character, could not be separated into 2 parts nor to be the start and the end of a line at the same time(原文是“不能中间断开分处上行之末和下行之首”). 

5.1.5 A double ellipsis(U+2026) should carry two em space. When 2 double ellipsis are used together, they should carry 4 em space and make a independent line. A double ellipsis could not be separated into 2 parts nor to be the start and the end of a line at the same time.

5.1.6 The en dash of hyphens(U+2013) is a little shorter than the Chinese character "one" and should carry half an em space; the dash of the hyphens(U+2010) is a little longer than the Chinese character "one" and should carry one em space; the wave dash(U+301C) of the hyphens should carry one em space. All of the hyphens should be aligned to the vertical center of the corresponding base character and should not be the start of a line.

5.1.7 Interpuncts(U+00B7) are between the two corresponding words and carry half an em space. They should be aligned to the vertical center of the corresponding base character and should not be the start of a line.

5.1.8 Emphasis dots and proper marks(underline) should be underneath the characters.

5.1.9 Slash marks(U+002F) carry half an em space and could not be the start not the end of a line.

5.1.10 When a punctuation mark is at the end of the line, to beautify the whole composition, even if it's a full-width character, it should carry the same em space of a half-width character.

5.1.11 In the practice of composition, for a better composition or reading experience, or to avoid the line-breaking of the last character of a bottom paragraph or a new page cause by the last character(which will result in a wasteful and ugly layout), we could reasonably reduce the space of the punctuation mark.

5.2 Positioning of Punctuation Mark in Vertical Writing Mode

5.2.1 Full stops(U+FE12), commas(U+FE10), question marks(U+FE16), exclamation marks(U+FE15), ideographic commas(U+FE11), semicolons(U+FE14), colons(U+FE13) should all be placed in right corner under the corresponding text.

5.2.2 Double dashs(U+2014), double ellipsis(U+2026), interpuncts(U+00B7), slash marks(U+002F) and hyphens should be placed in the middle under the corresponding text, in a vertical writing mode;

5.2.3 Quotation marks(U+FE41, U+FE42, U+FE43, U+FE44) and brackets(U+FE35, U+FE36, U+FE37, U+FE38, U+FE39, U+3A) should be up or down the corresponding text.

5.2.4 Presentation form for vertical wavy low lines(U+FE34) should be on the left side of the the corresponding text.

5.2.5 Sesame dots(U+FE51) should be on the right side while the presentation form for vertical low lines(U+FE33) should be on the left side of the corresponding text.

5.2.6 The rules about whether a certain punctuation mark could be the start or the end of a line in Horizontal Writing Mode are also required in Vertical Writing Mode.

此外,还有相关的GB/T 15835—2011
5.1.7 Line-breaking
An Arabic number in Chinese should stay in one line and never be broken.

[1] CJK标点符号 http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U3000.pdf
[2] 中文竖排标点 http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/UFE10.pdf
[3] CJK兼容符号(竖排变体、下划线、顿号)http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/UFE30.pdf

感谢Xiaoqian Wu提供翻译文字。

W3C技术资料: 理解CSS规范

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J. David Eisenberg 之前有为网页设计人员写过一篇《如何阅读 W3C 标准》,大家不妨看看这篇为初学者准备的文章。

如果在此之前你完全不懂 CSS,建议先去网上搜阅资料了解一下,比如可以以 W3C 为初学者准备的 CSS 2.1 入门指南 作为参考。但如果你想要更全面的了解 CSS,建议买本学习指南仔细阅读;记住,重点在理解 CSS 的基础上,而不是更多想着表面上的设计。找款文本编辑器,用所学的知识写个简单的网页,了解选择器权重(selector specificity)和外边距合并(margin collapsing),或者尝试加上这段 { border: 1px dashed gray; } 代码到你的网页中以勾勒出一个盒模型(box model)。至此,只有读懂基础知识才能全面的理解规范。


理解 CSS 规范需要从「上下文(context)」、「语汇(vocabulary)」和「基础概念」开始,如果希望能够读透这些规范,你必须完全理解以下几个部分:

1. 首先,通过阅读最新的「CSS Snapshot」来初步了解现有的规范是怎样的情况,另外还可以看看「CSS 设计原理」这一小节;

2. 阅读 CSS 2.1 中的 第一章,当中解释了所有的 CSS 规范是如何整理的;

3. 阅读 CSS 2.1 中的 3.1 小节(规范是如何定义的),了解 CSS 规范中常用的词汇;

4. 仔细的阅读 CSS 2.1 中的以下几部分,因为其中的规章和概念能够向你详细解释 CSS 规范的实现意义: 

  -「指配属性值,层叠与继承」第六章,特别是其中的6.16.2 小节;

  -「盒尺寸」8.1 小节;

  -「可视化格式模型」9.1 小节;

  -「控制框生成」9.2 小节;

  -「定位方案」9.3 小节(副标题的内容);

  -「包含块的定义」10.1 小节;




有些像 CSS 2.1 的 CSS 规范是有勘误表的,也就是在规范发布后才作出的纠正。当你在尝试解释规范中的某些定义时,一定要确保你看过了勘误表。虽然这些勘误并没有即时的放进规范正文中,但是这些纠正对规范至关重要,大家可以在每份规范的顶部找到勘误页面的链接。


参与到编写规范工作本身是加深对其理解最好的方法(包括规范和规范所诠释的技术),尝试写一些测试案例,用你的代码解释为什么规范要这样写,如何起作用;或是加入 W3C 的 QA (Quality Assurance) 计划,从 CSS 社区中(比如文章作者、实现者以及规范作者)收获许多。重要的是,大家都可以通过编写/改进和对比不同的测试案例,以及回答有关测试案例的规范问题来学习并且向规范进行贡献。

» W3C CSS 一致性测试套件

W3C 在为 CSS 规范维护官方的一致性测试套件

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Mozilla 项目组维护着其 Gecko 页面排版引擎,即 Firefox、Netscape、Seamonkey、Camino、Flock 和诸多桌面浏览器的核心。

» WebKit 项目组

Webkit 项目组维护着其 WebKit 页面排版引擎,即 Safari、Omniweb、iCab 和诸多桌面浏览器的核心。

»  KDE 项目组

KDE 项目组维护着其 KHTML 页面排版引擎,即 Konqueror 桌面浏览器的核心,也是 WebKit 引擎的原始代码奠基。


如果你已经细读过规范,但还有些不明白的地方,可以发送问题至 www-style 邮件列表(需要先订阅)向 CSS 专家们请教。

致谢:本文原载自 http://jsfiddle.net/2Pk6W/embedded/result/,感谢HTML5中文兴趣小组Jingtao Tommy Liu的翻译,及对本站转载的授权。


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