
» W3C宣布启动Web支付计划 (Web Payments Initiative)



W3C宣布启动Web支付计划(Web Payments Initiative)

帮助工业界降低支付欺诈和金融风险, 改善用户的支付体验, 并鼓励支付领域的未来创新

2014年10月15日,万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium, W3C)宣布正式启动Web支付计划(Web Payments Initiative),以期实现将支付能力与开放Web平台无缝集成的目标。W3C欢迎这一生态环境的利益相关方——银行、信用卡发卡机构、政府及金融监管机构、移动网络运营商、第三方支付解决方案提供商、支付技术提供商、零售商及其他支付用户、Web内容及服务提供商,以及广大的终端消费用户——参与我们新设立的 支付兴趣组(Payments Interest Group),依托Web的独特优势,为丰富这一生态环境,并使得用户在任何地点、任何设备上便捷的获取Web支付能力做出努力。


明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)高级副总裁Claudia Swendseid评论说,“美国联邦储备银行正与多方合作,努力改善目前的支付系统,使其更加安全、更加快捷、更加高效、为更多人服务。我们十分欣赏W3C在此方面作出初的努力,并期待加入W3C Web支付兴趣组以开展更多的合作” 。  


2014年,电子商务的发展令人赞叹,全球电子商务市场预测将达到1.47万亿美元($1.47 Trillion US$),比去年同期增长20%。根据Forrester Research的研究结果,其中1/3的交易将通过移动设备在线完成。与此同时,我们也意识到可能阻碍这一趋势发展的若干障碍,在线商务体验特别是移动商务体验还有很多改进空间。 



POS终端制造商安智公司(Ingenico Group)高级执行副总裁Michel Leger 评论说,“今天,支付细节信息被盗取已经超越其他问题成为全球范围内消费者在线购物最担心的问题。将所有的利益相关者聚集到W3C Web支付兴趣组这个平台上,将为共同打造一个开放标准,将网上欺诈风险降到最低,增强消费者信心,从而改善在线购物体验创造一个良好的契机。只有我们大家共同努力,才能实现这个目标” 。  



将支付能力集成到开放Web平台(Open Web Platform)

为了加深我们对这些挑战的理解,并将支付能力无缝集成到开放Web平台,W3C正式设立了Web支付兴趣组(Web Payments Interest Group),Erik Anderson(彭博/Bloomberg)及David Ezell(Association for Convenience & Fuel Retailing)担任了该兴趣组的第一任联合主席。 

目前,来自全球各个行业的利益相关方正在梳理与Web支付相关的案例和应用场景,讨论整理开展标准化工作的内容,如在线支付、离线支付(off-line payments)、"floor-limits"、对支付技术的政策管制、通用的零售支付、账单支付,以及更普适的支付能力等。兴趣组将识别当前Web技术在满足支付所要求的可用性、安全性、隐私保护等方面的差距,并建议W3C针对这些差距开展标准工作。将支付能力无缝的集成到开放Web平台需要各方的深度合作,兴趣组也将联络在传统金融及支付行业中积极采用Web技术的领先企业和机构,努力促成该领域全球范围的协调和互操作。

兴趣组将首先关注数字钱包(digital wallets)。工业界认为这是消除欺诈、增强用户隐私保护的重要平台,确保用户只将个人隐私信息与支付服务提供商(而不是陌生的商户)共享。此外,数字钱包也将极大简化移动设备上完成交易的过程,并可以成为新的支付技术和方案创新的承载体。完成一个交易需要涉及到多个利益相关方,今天很多数字钱包的应用还没有获得全球范围的互操作能力,没有得到全球范围更加广泛的采用和部署。缺乏标准也使得数字钱包的研发面临更多可困难。尽管Web支付兴趣组并没有将研发新的支付方法作为目标,但该兴趣组将致力于提出一个可以确保Web应用以标准化的方式使用现有及未来可能的支付方法的应用框架。在这一工作中,移动应用及移动支付的需求和案例将扮演重要角色,而这一框架也应当考虑人们在使用在线支付时可能用到的各种不同设备。


- W3C近期召开的关于加密、认证和硬件令牌(Cryptography, Authentication and Hardware Token)Web支付(Web and Payments)技术研讨会

- W3C的Web加密工作组(Web Cryptography Working Group)近场通讯工作组(Near Field Communication/NFC Working Group)



- W3C发布Web支付计划的官方声明(中文英文)、新闻消息(中文英文

- W3C全球会员(彭博/Bloomberg、Gemalto、GRIN、Ingenico、NACS、Rabobank、Yandex等)对Web支付计划的评价

- W3C在2014年3月举行的Web支付标准研讨会研讨会主页,研讨会总结报告

- W3C的Web支付计划(Web Payment Initiative)

- W3C的支付兴趣组(Payment Interest Group)主页参与方式邮件列表

- W3C的Web支付兴趣组(Web Payments Community Group),该兴趣组得到了欧盟 HTML5Apps项目的大力支持

- W3C工作重点(2014年6月)关于Web支付的部分


万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C)是由会员组织、全职工作人员、以及公众共同组成的致力于发展互联网标准的国际化组织。 W3C通过创立互联网标准及指导方针来保障互联网长期稳定的发展,开放万维网平台(Open Web Platform)是万维网联盟目前的核心工作。截至今日,W3C在全球拥有400家会员单位,其中中国会员34家(其中大陆地区30家、港澳台地区4家)。W3C主要由如下机构联合管理:美国麻省理工学院计算机科技与人工智能实验室(MIT CSAIL)、总部设于法国的欧洲信息与数学研究联盟(ERCIM)、中国北京航空航天大学(Beihang University)以及日本庆应大学(Keio University),并且W3C在全球范围内设有办事处。更多信息请见http://www.w3.org,及W3C中文网站 http://www.chinaw3c.org



Ian Jacobs, <[email protected]>, +1.718.260.9447

李安琪, <[email protected]>, +86.10.8231.6341

中文媒体,欢迎与我们联系。查看更多 W3C新闻通稿(Press Release)其他语言翻译 ,感谢 Chunming Hu 及 Angel Li 提供翻译与审阅。 



彭博/Bloomberg . Gemalto . GRIN Technologies . 安智/Ingenico . NACS . Rabobank . Yandex



We are entering a transformational moment in time in the field of payment technologies as there are more options then ever offering frictionless & borderless transactions. Adapting existing payment standards, as well as old and new technologies to work in a browser environment will help connect more than 1 billion people to the "Internet of Money." We must work together to achieve this goal and make a difference for everyone. Bloomberg is a proud supporter of these efforts.

-- Justin Erenkrantz, Head of Compute Architecture at Bloomberg



We are pleased to support W3C's initiative as this will boost and facilitate online digital payments by providing a smooth & secure integration of payment functions within web merchants' portals. Our solutions encompasses mobile Payments, mobile Banking and Mobile ID, across a comprehensive portfolio of devices and multiple security frameworks.

-- Philippe Cabos - Product Director - Mobile Wallet & Secure Applications at Gemalto


GRIN Technologies

The exponential growth in online payments is only exceeded today by the growth in connected devices. GRIN Technologies, Inc, the Connected Life Company, is pleased to participate in the future development of Web Payments standards at W3C and are looking forward to working with others to create the digital wallet of the future. We recognize the challenges and welcome the opportunity to participate in the development of a healthy, secure payments ecosystem, enabling a future where everyone's life is connected.

-- Daniel Austin, CEO & Founder, GRIN Technologies, Inc.


Ingenico Group

Payment is all about security, universality and increasingly cross channel - in store, on line and mobile. Our new OS is the place where security and open world meet. Web-based technologies are the backbone of tomorrow’s payment eco-system, enabling consumers to enjoy a seamless, open whilst secure, purchasing experience. We look forward to actively participating in the new Web Payments Interest Group, leveraging on our 30-year expertise in payment services.

-- Michel Leger, Executive Vice President Global Sales, Strategy and Marketing



W3C serves a critical role in defining the future of commerce - both online and on the go," says Gray Taylor, Executive Director of PCATS, the Convenience and Petroleum Industry's technology organization, and Payments Consultant to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). "The importance of mobile commerce to our membership motivates us to support the efforts of W3C in payments, and we will continue to do so. The Web Payments Workshop was a great example of how W3C can use its well-known brand to bring together the industry thought leaders to solve hard problems on the web, and the creation of the new Web Payments Interest Group is essential to carry the momentum forward. W3C's IP policy and focus on open and transparent standards will enable the consumer to have a feature rich and consistent experience as mobile commerce evolves, and we at PCATS and NACS are excited to continue participation in this valuable work.

-- Gray Taylor, Executive Director of PCATS, the Convenience and Petroleum Industry's technology organization, and Payments Consultant to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS)



As an innovator in the payments industry, Rabobank is well aware of customer needs for web payments. If standards are drafted from either a customer, a technology or a retail perspective only, they would be lacking many ingredients to be a global success for all customer segments and service providers worldwide. Therefore, it is important for Rabobank and for many banks for that matter, to be involved in this process at W3C from the beginning.

-- Evert Fekkes, Business Information Manager, Rabobank Nederland


Yandex (English)

We sat down with the major players in the Russian payments market to discuss the idea of the emerging standard that the W3C is going to start developing and we received a lot of positive responses. The emergence of a unified set of rules is an important issue for businesses, who waste lots of resources every time they want to integrate with new payment solutions. The lack of industry standards also hinders the development of payment projects that are truly 'cross-border'. A unified standard for online payments would help reduce risks associated with fraud, save businesses time and resources wasted on technical integration, lay the groundwork for entirely new products, and make sending and receiving payments online as easy as sending and receiving email thanks to 'mailto'.

-- Evgeny Vinogradov, Head of Analytic Services at Yandex.Money


Yandex (Russian)

Мы обсуждали с крупнейшими игроками российского платежного рынка идею появления единого стандарта, который сейчас будет разрабатываться в W3C, и получили много позитивных откликов. Появление единых правил для онлайн-платежей – насущный вопрос для бизнеса, которому каждый раз приходится преодолевать сложности интеграции различных платежных решений, из-за чего появление по-настоящему трансграничных платежных проектов затруднено. Единый стандарт для онлайн-платежей поможет снизить риски мошенничества, сократить время и затраты на техническую интеграцию, создать почву для появления принципиально новых продуктов и сделать отправку и получение денег в интернете таким же простым, как отправка и получение почты благодаря «mailto».

-- Евгений Виноградов, руководитель отдела аналитических сервисов Яндекс.Денег



万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium, W3C)是Web领域的国际标准化组织,致力开发开放Web标准确保Web的长期发展,实现“尽展Web无限潜能”的使命。




W3Cx 开放课程


- 所有标准
■ Web与产业融合 ■
- 汽车 | 数字出版 | Web与电信
- 娱乐与广播电视 | Web支付 | Web数据
- 物联万维网(WoT) | Web安全
■ Web For All ■
- Web无障碍 | 国际化 | 索引(A to Z)
■ 社区组与商务组 ■
- 所有社区组 | 新建社区组
■ 标准工作组 ■
- 所有标准小组 | 参与指南








W3C 中文开发者社区

Web中文兴趣组 | MiniApps工作组 | MiniApps生态社区组 | 弹幕特别任务组 | 中国信息无障碍社区组 | 中文数字出版社区组 | 数据可视化社区组 | 中文文字布局需求特别任务组



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