
» W3C与IDPF正式合并 共同定义未来出版的技术路线图



W3C与IDPF正式合并 共同定义未来出版的技术路线图

共同发布 Publishing@W3C ,描述未来如何利用Web技术阅读、编写、出版、发现内容并提供服务

https://www.w3.org/ — 2017年2月1日,W3C宣布与国际数字出版论坛(International Digital Publishing Forum, IDPF)正式合并,共同定义未来出版领域的技术路线图,并更好协调出版与Web技术的发展。W3C是全球领先的国际标准化组织,致力于开发包括HTML、CSS、SVG、XML及WCAG等在内的基础性Web技术。IDPF开发的EPUB标准是全球广泛采用的无障碍电子图书及数字出版标准。

Web发明人、W3C理事长 Tim Berners-Lee 曾于 2016年5月在 IDPF 的 DigiCon 大会上分享了他关于未来Web出版的愿景,随后,W3C 与 IDPF 公开宣布了加速战略合作并筹备两个组织合并的意向。 

2016年11月,IDPF 通过会员投票,以88%的支持率,批准了双方的合并计划。随后,IDPF理事会与W3C最终完成了合并的各项细节。最终达成的合作中,大量的合作组织(包括大部分 IDPF 会员,以及其他一些尚不是 IDPF 会员的大型出版机构)都就接纳免费的专利政策(Royalty Free,RF)做出了承诺,从而确保 EPUB标准以及未来面向出版行业的开放Web平台能够获得更广泛的全球认同,而不会被复杂的专利权利保护所束缚。

W3C的CEO Jeff Jaffe博士指出,W3C欢迎在图书、杂志、期刊、各类教育材料及学术刊物等方面具有丰富经验和技术积累的出版业专家加盟,我们将与出版行业并肩工作,通过W3C的数字出版标准工作(Publishing@W3C)为未来基于Web技术的数字出版、内容撰写及各类阅读体验提供更丰富的功能和新能力。

Jaffe 博士还指出,通过参与 W3C 的标准活动,出版行业的各类机构将可能从音乐、娱乐等其他领域获得创新动力,这些技术和出版技术一起,正在推动Web的不断演进。未来,图书内容的创作者将能够无缝地集成到整个Web技术社区,灵活的应用动态文档、搜索、多媒体等丰富的Web技术能力。 

DAISY联盟(DAISY Consortium)的 George Kerscher 自2010年起领导 IDPF。他指出,通过两个组织的合并,我们不但融合了各自的技术发展路线图,同时也加速了各类出版物对于无障碍内容阅读、设备友好的阅读等技术的采用。这一合并,无论对于Web阅读或离线阅读都具有重要意义。

两个组织合并后所发布的 Publishing@W3C 技术路线图中,提出了将在 2017年春季,在W3C中设立新的标准工作组,关注数字出版物的在线和离线阅读。这意味着,通过一个没有连接到 Web 的设备,也能够保持和出版物的交互阅读体验,并在重新连接Web 时保持所有的信息。

为了持续维护并在全球范围内继续推广 EPUB标准,W3C正式设立了单独的 EPUB 3.1社区组(EPUB 3.1 Community Group),向感兴趣的全球技术及用户社区开放。

W3C 也将计划在即将设立的 出版工作组(Publication Working Group)中探索并满足来自出版领域的标准技术需求。下一届EPUB峰会(EPUB Summit) 也将与2017年3月9-10日在比利时布鲁塞尔举行。

W3C还设立了新的出版商务组(Publishing Business Group),并将于 2017年3月13日在英国伦敦图书节开幕后,举行该商务组的首次面对面技术交流 。W3C的出版商务组对所有 IDPF 会员、W3C会员以及其他对这一技术领域感兴趣的机构开放。商务组将作为与出版行业的沟通桥梁和主要的技术论坛,继续识别数字出版领域的标准需求。

W3C 已经任命 Bill McCoy 负责,确保原 IDPF 会员及其他对出版生态系统感兴趣的各类机构加入 W3C。McCoy 是原 IDPF的执行理事长(Executive Director)。前 IDPF理事会(IDPF Board of Directors)也将在 W3C出版指导委员会(W3C Publishing Steering Committee)中承担新的任务,为整个出版行业技术社区,以及 Publishing@W3C 的相关技术小组提供战略方向咨询,以及出版生态系统的联络等支持, 更多关于如何参与 W3C的数字出版标准化工作 Publishing@W3C 的信息,请咨询W3C的全球商务总监 Alan Bird([email protected]).



万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C)是由会员组织、全职工作人员、以及公众共同组成的致力于发展互联网标准的国际化组织。 W3C通过创立互联网标准及指导方针来保障互联网长期稳定的发展,开放万维网平台(Open Web Platform)是万维网联盟目前的核心工作。 W3C制定了包括 HTML5 、CSS 等构建Web站点与Web应用的基础技术协议,并因为在无障碍在线视频字幕等工作,获得2016年的艾美奖(2016 Emmy Award)。

目前,W3C在全球拥有超过400多家会员单位,其中中国会员33家(其中大陆地区29家、港澳台地区4家)。W3C主要由如下机构联合管理:美国麻省理工学院计算机科技与人工智能实验室(MIT CSAIL)、法国的欧洲信息与数学研究联盟(ERCIM)、日本庆应大学(Keio University)以及中国北京航空航天大学(Beihang University),并在全球范围内设有办事处。更多信息请见http://www.w3.org,及W3C中文网站 http://www.chinaw3c.org

EPUB W3C 的注册商标。



Karen Myers, W3C <[email protected]>  移动电话: 1.978.502.6218

中国大陆、港澳台及其他华语地区,请联系 Xueyuan Jia, W3C <[email protected]



ACCESS CO. LTD.AdobeAntenna HouseApex Content and Media SolutionsAscend LearningAssociazione Italiana Editori AIEBenetechCWIEDRLabSyndicat National de l’EditionVitalSource IngramVivliostyle Inc.Wiley



ACCESS welcomes full combination of W3C and IDPF. Books have been saved as enormous human intelligence. Web technology provide unlimited capability to share information to the world. The combination of books and the Web makes expansion of the whole publication market and the creation of new business. We will cooperate with all of you joined Publishing@W3C, so that we will establish intelligence for new generation together.

Ryuji Natsuumi, COO-Japan, VP of Digital Publishing Business Unit, ACCESS CO., LTD.


As the leader in creative content authoring and publishing, Adobe is pleased with the merger of W3C and the IDPF. Adobe has worked with both organizations to bring professional publishing techniques to the Open Web Platform and we look forward to working together to set the roadmap for the future of publishing. The work on Web Publications will serve to continue the W3C’s efforts to shape the way that content is delivered – from classic publications, to documents, to any content destined for distribution.

Leonard Rosenthol, Senior Principal Scientist, Adobe

Antenna House

アンテナハウスはW3CとIDPFの完全統合を歓迎いたします。弊社は、2011年より、デジタル書籍制作Webサービス(CAS-UB) というワンソースからPDF、EPUB、Webを作るサービスを提供しています。EPUBとWebは内容を記述する形式としてHTMLを共有しています。 しかし、Webの基本であるURIや通信プロトコルの面では統合が不十分であり、EPUBとWebが別の存在となっているのに不便を感じていました。 W3CとIDPFの統合により、今後、EPUBのWebへの統合が進むことを期待しています。

Tokushige Kobayashi, President, Antenna House
アンテナハウス株式会社 代表取締役社長 小林 徳滋

Antenna House welcomes the full combination of W3C and IDPF which will bring together the Web and EPUB under one umbrella and address the current limitations from previously having had the two as separate efforts.  Since 2011 Antenna House has offered Cloud Authoring Service for Universal Books (CAS-UB) that can produce PDF, EPUB and Web from one source and we will greatly benefit from the combination of W3C and IDPF.

Tokushige Kobayashi, President, Antenna House

Apex Content and Media Solutions

This is a watershed in the evolution of the publishing ecosystem. As digital publishing has advanced, format flexibility and content interoperability have become essential. Content needs to move fluidly between sectors—books, journals, magazines, news, education and training—and adapt to the formats in which users want to consume it, online or offline. Open Web technologies developed and maintained by the W3C are what make all that work. Establishing EPUB, the format on which today's digital publishing industry has come to rely, as a first-class citizen of the Open Web Platform provides the best possible foundation for an exciting future for publishers of all types.

Bill Kasdorf, VP and Principal Consultant

Ascend Learning

As an IDPF board member and driver of e-learning content capabilities, I celebrate this milestone combination of the W3C and IDPF, two organizations that have led the way to flexible, accessible and portable learning content. By combining development efforts and aligning technology roadmaps, the prospect of rich, interactive, personalized learning experiences that produce better, measurable outcomes is bright indeed. Ascend Learning looks forward to the exciting new capabilities that are sure to emerge from this combination.

Paul Belfanti, VP Production and Content Architecture

Associazione Italiana Editori AIE

The mission of IDPF is to foster global adoption of an open, accessible, interoperable standard to promote and create innovation in the digital publishing ecosystem. With the combination with W3C this mission will be strengthened. Thanks to the integration of the skills, editorial and technological, of the two involved communities it will be possible to reach more effectively the results necessary to allow all publishers to create innovative, accessible and mobile-ready online and offline digital publications.

Cristina Mussinelli, Digital Publishing


Benetech, a long standing member of both W3C and IDPF, has worked closely with both organizations to establish and advance accessibility standards. With the IDPF’s EPUB architecture based on W3C’s web technologies, the W3C and IDPF merger will help accelerate the accessibility of future publications to not only be born digital but also born accessible. Benetech is excited to be a part of this new joint partnership and is looking forward to an accessible and bright future.

Brad Turner, VP of Global Literacy, Benetech


As an academic research institution, it is in CWI's interest to see academic publishing evolve towards a more Web based, interactive, and globally accessible form of communication, providing a superior user experience for researchers both online and offline. We are greatly encouraged by, and welcome the combination of IDPF and W3C, which we believe will help bringing us closer to a new type of environment for scholarly publishing.

Jos Baeten, general director of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)


The European Digital Reading Lab (EDRLab) is excited at the prospect of participating to the evolution of publishing standards and associated technologies with experts from two complementary domains, publishing and Web. Since 2015, we are promoting interoperability and accessibility via a broader use of EPUB in Europe. We believe that W3C support will encourage a broader adoption of EPUB 3, beyond the book industry, and may position EPUB as THE publishing format or any type of document. We are also confident that the work on Portable Web Publications, as initiated by W3C and IDPF experts inside the DPUB IG, associated with the work of the Readium Foundation on modern open-source reading software, will bring great benefits to readers in the coming years, including print-disabled people.

Laurent Le Meur, CTO, EDRLab

Syndicat National de l’Edition
(French Publishers Association)

The Digital Working Group at the Syndicat National de l'Edition (French publishers association)  welcomes the IDPF - W3C combination. French publishers are strongly supportive of the EPUB format, as one of the key elements of the open and interoperable ebook ecosystem they promote. This is a unique opportunity for the EPUB community, familiar with web standards, to enrich itself in contact with other W3C groups, benefiting from their skills and advances. In return, the W3C will benefit from the valuable know-how accumulated over the years in the book publishing world, particularly regarding the "arts of readability."

Virginie Clayssen, President of Digital Working Group

VitalSource Ingram

As a participant in the working groups leading to EPUB 2, EPUB 3 and EPUB 3.1, and as an industry leader in the implementation of solutions to bring EPUB content and authoring systems to learners around the world, we are excited for this next step in the delivery of open web solutions. The combination of W3C and IDPF aligns the goals, needs and requirements of users around the globe. VitalSource is committed to bringing improved solutions to our content creators, partners and end users based on the work of W3C and IDPF and are excited to continue our leadership in this area.

Rick Johnson, VP of Product Strategy, VitalSource

Vivliostyle Inc.


Shinyu Murakami, Founder and CTO, Vivliostyle Inc.
株式会社ビブリオスタイル 会長兼CTO 村上 真雄

Vivliostyle believes that the merge of W3C and IDPF accelerates further progress of digital publishing technologies. This merge has positive impacts on Vivliostyle, since our products are browser-based software for creating a paginated view of HTML documents. Vivliostyle has participated in the development of CSS at W3C, and our advisors have contributed to the development of EPUB at IDPF. We continue to contribute to standardization in this area while developing web-based publishing software.

Shinyu Murakami, Founder and CTO, Vivliostyle Inc.


Wiley is thrilled to see the two organizations coming together. We can now return to focusing more on publishing as a means to share and communicate knowledge, and less on scrambling to adapt to the plethora of new devices and modalities. We believe the standards of the two organizations overlap more than they diverge. We look forward to the continuing evolution of publishing, wherever it happens.

Patrick Johnston, Director of Platform Architecture, Product Technology



万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium, W3C)是Web领域的国际标准化组织,致力开发开放Web标准确保Web的长期发展,实现“尽展Web无限潜能”的使命。




W3Cx 开放课程


- 所有标准
■ Web与产业融合 ■
- 汽车 | 数字出版 | Web与电信
- 娱乐与广播电视 | Web支付 | Web数据
- 物联万维网(WoT) | Web安全
■ Web For All ■
- Web无障碍 | 国际化 | 索引(A to Z)
■ 社区组与商务组 ■
- 所有社区组 | 新建社区组
■ 标准工作组 ■
- 所有标准小组 | 参与指南








W3C 中文开发者社区

Web中文兴趣组 | MiniApps工作组 | MiniApps生态社区组 | 弹幕特别任务组 | 中国信息无障碍社区组 | 中文数字出版社区组 | 数据可视化社区组 | 中文文字布局需求特别任务组



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