
» W3C启动Web支付标准工作 推进在线结算流程




W3C CEO Jaffe博士评论说,“行业将电子钱包视为一种可以改善支付安全和可用性,并多种营销手段的支付解决方案。然而,用户并没有完全接受这一方案。我们认为其中的一个原因是电子钱包市场的分裂性,以及电子钱包提供商使用不兼容的编程接口造成的。W3C即将编写的标准将通过定义标准化的编程接口帮助确保不同支付方案的互操作性。所以,当你购买商品的时候,你应该有一个标准的方法来使自己的支付工具和商家可接受的工具相匹配,并确保二者能够与商家的结账流程平滑整合。”

来自Business Insider 等公司的调查显示,造成大众平均在线购物68%的弃购率的原因是多种多样的。W3C Web支付标准将通过交易发起、交易确认、以及支付完成的标准通讯信息及信息流,帮助解决和可用性及安全性相关的购物车弃购率的一些问题。有了这些API的支持,用户可以为交易选择自己喜欢的支付工具,Web App与支付服务提供商之间的交易信息将通过游览器代表用户介导。
Merchant Advisory Group (MAG) CEO Mark Horwedel先生评论说,“今天,因为现存的众多私有支付方案及各种不同的API,商户们很难为消费者提供新的支付方案了。来自W3C的开放标准帮助支付方案提供商和广大商家降低支付管理费用,改善消费者体验,增强消费透明度,并为支付增值服务提供新的创新空间。这些标准API同时也为未来的Web支付功能奠定了良好的基础。”

W3C新启动的Web支付工作组章程(及常见问题解答)由W3C Web支付兴趣组完成,该兴趣组成员来自银行、支付服务提供商、商家、浏览器厂商、硬件厂商以及其他行业相关方。新的Web支付工作组将于2015年10月26日-30日在日本札幌举办的W3C全体技术大会期间举办第一次小组会议,本次会议的联合主席包括Adrian Hope-Bailie(Ripple)以及的Nick Telford-Reed(Worldpay)。
W3C Web支付兴趣组由Erik Anderson(Bloomberg)及David Ezell(NACS)两位联合主席领导,他们将继续带领小组探索新的Web支付标准化领域。
W3C 关于Web支付的工作部分由欧盟HTML5Apps项目支持。


万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium,简称W3C)是由会员组织、全职工作人员、以及公众共同组成的致力于发展互联网标准的国际化组织。 W3C通过创立互联网标准及指导方针来保障互联网长期稳定的发展,开放万维网平台(Open Web Platform)是万维网联盟目前的核心工作。截至今日,W3C在全球拥有超过400多家会员单位,其中中国会员33家(其中大陆地区29家、港澳台地区4家)。W3C主要由如下机构联合管理:美国麻省理工学院计算机科技与人工智能实验室(MIT CSAIL)、法国的欧洲信息与数学研究联盟(ERCIM)、中国北京航空航天大学(Beihang University)以及日本庆应大学(Keio University),并且W3C在全球范围内设有办事处。更多信息请见http://www.w3.org,及W3C中文网站 http://www.chinaw3c.org。


Karen Myers, W3C <[email protected]>



Bloomberg is a strong supporter of W3C. The trend in consumer financial services is toward user mobile devices, cloud, and the public internet, all of which benefit from standardization that leads to safer and better user experiences. The creation of the Web Payments WG is one of many steps in the that direction. We are proud to help lead these efforts.
-- Erik Anderson, Bloomberg R&D
Digital Bazaar
As the number of people that use the Web through mobile and desktop continues to grow toward 6 billion by the year 2020, it is vital that we improve the safety, convenience, and speed of how we send and receive money online. We applaud the W3C for bringing together a world-class group of industry leaders to address the technical problems related to payments on the Web today.
The work that the Web Payments Working Group is chartered to perform will ensure that we are able to build next generation payment systems based on the principles of global reach, fair competition, and public access that have made the Web one of the world's most powerful communication systems.
As a founding member of this effort, Digital Bazaar looks forward to continuing to work with many of the best minds in the world on improving the state of payments on the Web.
-- Manu Sporny, Founder/CEO Digital Bazaar
Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)
The work of the W3C Web Payments Working Group will serve to ensure the development of open web payments standards to enable interoperability, foster innovation and to support the continued growth of secure and robust payments industry.
-- Jason Oxman, CEO
Federal Reserve Bank
The Federal Reserve Bank is pleased to have recently acknowledged the W3C's Web Payments work in the FedFocus newsletter.
Ingenico Labs
We believe in a future where Payment will be seamlessly integrated in business applications. We are happy to support any initiatives that help make this vision come true. W3C is the right place to create the standards for an easy and secure access to financial services and therefore enable the new use cases consumers expect in today’s digital world.
-- Michel Léger Executive Vice President Innovation Ingenico Group
Rabobank supports the launch of the Web Payments Working Group.  In current development of web payments, we have encountered lack of clarity in the interaction of payment related business processes such as from payment wallet to retailer check-out. Rabobank expects the Working Group results to be instrumental to further standardization in this field.
-- Evert Fekkes, Business Information Manager
The development of common standards marks the coming of age of digital payments. Digital wallets and other online forms of non-card payments have proliferated at a rapid pace globally, creating an increasingly crowded and fragmented landscape. With a common standard for these payment methods in place, retailers and merchants will be able to process a wider range of transactions more easily and deliver the secure, seamless and flexible online experience their customers expect, regardless of location or preferred digital payment method.
-- Nick Telford-Reed, Director of Technology Innovation at Worldpay and Co-Chair of the Web Payments
Working GroupDeutsche Telekom

The unprecedented advent of digital commerce has been driven by the Web for more than a decade. We welcome the fact that the main institution for web technologies has decided to finally take care of the standardization of the relevant technology to increase security, adoption and the development of a rich payment and digital commerce ecosystem which could bridge the web based and the brick & mortar based retail world.
-- Martin Christahl, VP Product & Portfolio Management, Business Unit Payment and Jörg Heuer, Research&Innovation Director Payment&Transactions, Innovation Policy
Merchant Advisory Group (MAG)
The MAG fully supports the Web Payments Working Group and their goal of developing standards that will provide customers with more payment options, reduce checkout friction, improve overall system security and encourage innovation in the payments space.
-- Mark A. Horwedel, CEO, Merchant Advisory Group

NACS (The Association for Convenience & Fuel Retailing) has long been an advocate for small business owners regarding access to financial services, and has advocated for improving control of exchange fees, reducing reliance on closed financial systems, and supporting an improved competitive environment consumers and providers. Additional advocacy goals include providing a level playing field for providing financial services, as well as doing that in a way that provides widespread availability of those services to everyone.  The proposed Web Payments work takes aim at these same goals.
Driving the convergence of traditional web use cases for payment with those required for brick and mortar transactions will have a strong positive impact on both merchants and consumers.  And opening financial services previously unavailable to under-banked and un-banked people will make payment systems more inclusive.
The Web Payments Working Group will help NACS to fulfill its financial services advocacy mission, and we congratulate the W3C on the creation of the this working group.
-- Michael Davis, Vice President of Member Services

As the largest Internet security company in China, Qihoo360 always pursues to ensure the safety of our users. We are very pleased to see that W3C actively endeavors to develop secure Web payment standards. To contribute to the security of the user payment process, we would like to share the related security experiences that we have accumulated over the past years with the whole web payment community as well as our security payment solutions that have already been heavily promoted in the industry, which include network-based electronic identity authentication, national level encryption method, and mobile payment method that use NFC. With these solutions, users don't have to input their private information such as their names, ID card numbers, bank card numbers or other critical info during the payment process. We hope these efforts and practices would help to prevent the leak of the private information of the users, avoid the related security risk through the payment process and bring a more secure payment experience to the users.
-- Baoqing Li, Qihoo 360 Online Marketing Technical Leader; Liangang Li, Qihoo 360 Payment Platform Technical Leader

The world needs an Internet of Value to move value as easily as information moves today. We firmly believe the Internet of Value will be built on open, neutral web standards that make the world's many ledgers and payments systems interoperable. The W3C's Web Payments Working Group plays a critical role in developing these standards, and we are thrilled to participate among key industry players to help shape the future of web payments.
-- Chris Larsen, CEO of Ripple




万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium, W3C)是Web领域的国际标准化组织,致力开发开放Web标准确保Web的长期发展,实现“尽展Web无限潜能”的使命。




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